I'm all about the power of the “zag” — bucking the trend, respectfully questioning the status quo, flipping things on their head to find a new perspective.
This week's zag: converse lists.
• Instead of a to-do list, make a “done list”: things you made happen.
• Instead of a list of things to buy, make a list of things you didn't buy as a reminder of money you saved and stuff you avoided accumulating (especially useful for parents!).
• Instead of a bucket list, try an accomplishments list to rack up impactful memories and life achievements.
These all work at home and in the workplace, and for yourself or for a group you’re responsible for — your family, the team you manage.
And if none of these specific list examples resonate, the next time you’re working on populating any sort of list, consider its opposite (list of professional skills to improve » brag book of top work skills; step-by-step checklist » checklist based on which step matches your current energy level) to see how reframing the exercise affects your stress level, creativity, and motivation.
Have a great week,