The OffBeat is about living well and working well, and how those two concepts inform each other. My fundamental belief is that if you’re happier at work, you’re happier in your personal life, and vice versa.
But it’s really hard to be either of those things, at least consistently, in the economic, sociopolitical, and public health circumstances we find ourselves in.
This tweet says it best:

That said, work and personal life continue on. There are meetings and birthday parties to attend, business trips and vacations to book, slide presentations and dinner to make.
This week’s offbeat prompt is to play a quick game I like to call random question roulette. It’s great at the beginning of an offsite or team meeting, especially if it’s a new team getting to know one another. It also works at the dinner table, especially at a restaurant while waiting for your food to arrive.
I keep a running list of open-ended questions — thought-provoking but not so thought-provoking that they take too long to answer — and pick one at random for each person. Conversation ensues. That’s it.
For in-person team meetings, I’ve printed and cut the list of questions into strips, having each person pick one from the pile at the center of the table. For virtual or hybrid, keeping the list on your phone or laptop and having the host pick at random for each participant works fine.
Some of my favorites:
If you could only smell one smell for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What’s your most used emoji?
What’s the most “off-brand” thing about you?
If you could make one rule for everyone in the world to follow, what would it be?
What’s the most beautiful place you’ve been to?
What’s your most-listened-to playlist?
What’s something you think is underrated?
What’s something you think is overrated?
If you had to choose one reality TV show to be on, which would it be?
You can have an unlimited supply of anything. What is that thing?
Would you rather be able to speak every language in existence or have the ability to speak to animals?
You are asked to sing one song from memory and get all the words right for the chance to win a million dollars. What is that song?
What’s one dish you can make without a recipe?
Finding out people’s pet peeves, best pranks, and popcorn preferences isn’t a cure for the malaise many of us feel right now. But if the conferences and weekly syncs and dinner dates are happening anyway, might as well give ourselves a leg up on enjoying them.
Have a great week,