Something to read
The 9 essential elements of a “feelgood” home.
Overcoming the need to be exceptional.
Something to think about
“I do not think it too remote that we may come to regard the Earth, as some have suggested, as one organism, of which mankind is a functional part—the mind, perhaps.”
Something else
My #1 value in life is connection. It’s one of the reasons I’m a marketer, and it’s what powers me personally and professionally. The things most meaningful to me are centered on true human connection: art—written, performed, or otherwise—that speaks to some fundamental element of the human experience; volunteering time, energy, and dollars to criminal justice and food insecurity; working through gnarly business challenges alongside close colleagues; leading a team to connect and produce at the highest level; doing anything at all with my family; deep conversations with close friends.
In recent years I’ve seen conversation-stoking card decks abound. They’re fun and fruitful even with people you think you know everything about. A few favorites:
Table Topics: The O.G.
The School of Life: Prompts inspired by psychology, psychotherapy, philosophy, art and culture
Miles and Milan: “(Parent)hetical” social card game for parents
We’re Not Really Strangers: Three levels of questions designed to deepen relationships
Intelligent Change: “Let’s Get Closer” conversation starters based on positive psychology
BestSelf: Question themes include Courage, Beliefs, Life Lessons, Self-Awareness, and Dreams
Have a great week,
P.S. Latest book report for The Creative Factor, this one on Bobby Hundreds’s This is Not a T-Shirt.